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The KLOUD+ is a revolutionary PEMA designed to help protect, activate and regenerate your body, improve your energy and performance, and boost your overall vitality and wellbeing.

A breakthrough, one-of-a-kind PEMA (pulsing electromagnetic activation - the next generation of PEMF) technology engineered to support your body’s natural, “inner doctor” and recharge your “batteries”.

Activate the Universe’s natural PEMA within you and elevate your body’s energy and performance with a series of 15-minute sessions at Radiant Journey Wellness Studio.

15-min KLOUD+ PEMA Mat Session - $25

30-min KLOUD+ PEMA Mat Session - $35

Please call 830-850-0330 to schedule or Book Online here.

Relax.  Balance.  Energize.  Synchronize.  Transform.  

Bio-Resonance Benefits 

Helps Support:

 Vitality & Wellbeing

Balance of Body, Mind & Spirit

Stress Reduction

Increased Life Energy

Deep Relaxation

Body Synchronization

Improved Mental Clarity

KLOUD+ Benefits
KLOUD+ Session Programs

KLOUD+ Session Programs

Experience enhanced physical and mental performance, faster and deeper relaxation and sleep, better stress management, more efficient regeneration, an enhanced lust for life, overall improved quality of life, and many more life-changing health benefits.


Your KLOUD+ session is customized with one of 5 optimized programs:

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Relaxer - Program 1

Relaxation of body, mind and soul. Put yourself in a relaxed state and unwind. Promote your well-being and find inner peace, and optimize a restful sleep.

Mother and Daughter Love

Synchronizer - Program 4

The ideal introduction to the use of the KLOUD. Synchronize your body functions. Use this program in combination with relaxation habits and rituals to improve mental clarity and emotional harmony.

Active Senior Couple

Balancer - Program 2

Restore your natural balance and get into a good flow. Balance means feeling good and thinking positively with confidence, peace and serenity. Gain peace and quality of life.

Fit Women

Transformer - Program 5

Help the body help itself. Keep your vital forces turned up, and experience a positive transformation - push your boundaries! Built for athletes and warriors, speed up muscle recovery, enhance performance, and elevate potential.

Summer Fun

Energizer - Program 3

A boost when you want more life energy! Experience pure “KLOUD power”, feel alive, awake, motivated, and strengthened. Activate vitality from within. Take advantage of your bodies natural power!

PEMA Technology
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PEMA Frequency

The KLOUD+ is a Tesla powered frequency mats each containing 8 coils generating up to 20,000 amplitudes per second, thereby reaching a wider range of molecular activation in the body than any previous PEMF technology. Experience enhanced physical and mental performance, faster and deeper relaxation and sleep, better stress management, more efficient regeneration, an enhanced lust for life, overall improved quality of life, and many more life-changing health benefits. 

Prof. Dr. Wolf A. Kafka 
Foremost Authority of Frequency Therapy

Prof. W. A. Kafka is a renowned German theoretical physicist, zoologist, and neurophysiologist having produced numerous developments, international patents, and prize-winning  publications based on his scientific studies. He has been “the father” of the electromagnetic field therapy for over 25 years.   Kafka‘s 2020 patented signal technology is based on years of cumulative research of specially shaped electromagnetic pulses with variation for specific health benefits.   ​ Thanks to Prof. Dr. Kafka’s discovery, almost all signals that could have a positive effect (through molecular activation) on the body are now available. It’s the ultimate answer to the modern day stressors that put a strain on our body's homeostasis and damage our vitality. Prof. Dr. Kafka's groundbreaking signal is a historic first in the new science of PEMA application. A recently developed molecular activator called KLOUD can transmit this signal to your body using patented technologies and programs. ​

KLOUD+ Session Packages

KLOUD+ Contraindications 

The following users may only receive a KLOUD+ Mat session after consultation with their doctor:

  • If you are suffering from a chronic degenerative disease or have recently undergone surgery

  • People with medication regime and constant medication intake

  • People who wear a pacemaker, electronic implant and subcutaneous medical devices. 

  • If you are a pregnant woman. 

Health Disclaimer


The KLOUD+ Mat is not a medical product; it is a wellness & fitness product that may support your general performance, recovery, wellbeing and enhance your general quality of life by means of clearly defined, low-frequency, pulsating electromagnetic fields. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The Centropix KLOUD+ Mat is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The KLOUD+ is a Wellness & Fitness device and NOT a Medical Device. When in doubt, please check with your licensed healthcare practitioner before scheduling a KLOUD+ Mat session at Radiant Journey Wellness Studio.

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